Sunday, October 11, 2009

Macbeth Act V

Lady Macbeth is going insane now probably partially because her son was just stabbed and killed by a murderer. HEre we see her character trading places with Macbeths because now he is the type of guy who just doesnt care, and morals have been just shot to nothing, and now Lady Macbeth is having visions of blood on her hands that cant be washed away symbolizing the guilt that which she has. In her moment of trance, she states that, "What's done cannot be undone." (V.i.71) We are now starting to see the plans between the armies and the battle to come. We can assume that there will be many deaths because it is Shakespeare of coarse. Later on while making his castle look more like he wants, he is told the news that his wife is dead. Macbeth goes onn to speak that life is “a tale / Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing” (V.v.28-30). Macbeth is no longer this confident guy anymore who thinks that consequences for his actions wont occur. He sees that with every action comes a reaction, and now all he can do is be ready to fight. Once the fighting begins we see all the action taking underway and when Macduff enters the scene he is in search for Macbeth, for he wants that revenge for what Macbeth did to his family. Eventually they come across one another and begin to fight. It could go any way but Macbeth gets a reality check when he tries to tell Macduff about how he cant die due to the witches prophecy. Macduff finally says he's wrong and due to wording of the prophecy Macbeth can in fact be killed. Macbeth now fears for his life but wont go out without a fight. The fight didnt go Macbeth's way however, as Maduff enters the final scene with Macbeths head. NOw Macduff is finally announced the king and everything that Macbeth had done to be king was nothing now. It goes to show that karma always gets back to you. The people feel more of a comfort with Macduff being king as shown by Siward, "Here comes newer / comfort."(V.vii.54)

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,

    My apologies for the delay. These Macbeth posts, explaining your understanding of the text, giving YOUR interpretation and then showing the bits of the text that you are using to reach that understanding is exactly what you should be doing. Is it perfect? No. However, you're doing what we're supposed to be doing.
