Sunday, October 11, 2009

Macbeth Act II

In Act II we start to see a loyal friendship between Banquo and Macbeth crumble. Macbeth refuses to tell Banquo what had happened, and when Banquo tries to talk to him about the witches he just goes on to lie and say that he hasnt even thought of them since the encounter. How can that be, and how could Banquo believe this? If someone tells you that you will be king, but also what is to come in order to reach that point you know you'd be thinking of it. Macbeth is definately going off the deep end here, and as we see his sanity is decreasing. He is starting to see things that he himself questions. Like when Banquo goes to leave the castle and Macbeth sees a dagger that he fails to grasp. Is it a “dagger of the mind, a false creation / Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain” (II.i.41-42). Lady Macbeth comes about in the play again with a strong will towards Duncan's death. How could Macbeth not pull of the entire plan. She had everything planned perfectly from every stand point. Does she show some sort of love however by saying she would've killed DUncan herself if it wasnt for the fact he resembled her own dad? WHat or where is her dad? I take it as he is dead but if it were true that he was no longer living doesnt she take into consideration what he would think? Maybe its a religion thing, because i know if i do something i always feel ashamed if i did something bad because those who are watching over me are disappointed. Maybe she is the way she is because of her father, and he would understand. Banquo is reintroduced as now an ally but also a potential threat to Macbeth, all because he is aware of the witches prophecies for Macbeth. But Fleance, Banquo's son is said to be sitting on the throne, which is yet another problem for what Macbeth strives for. In order to have the throne he will have to get rid of Fleance, but also his friend Banquo. For Macbeth being unstable he plays off the murder at the right times. Macbeth leads Macduff to the king's chamber even though no one trully knows what had happened and why the king has not awakened yet. “O horror, horror, horror!” (II.III.63) It is now aware that the king has been murdered, and everyone is on edge. Duncan's son have fled the scene because they are worried about their safety since someone is out to get their family but because they just up and leave so quickly, people are suspicous that it was them who did such a thing. Why would they want to kill their own dad though? They had the throne coming their way as it was why would they want that to happen? We are starting to see Macbeth turn into what can be considered an evil man. He no longer has guilt but just keeps his eye on the prize sort of speak. His purpose is to become the king and hold on to that throne, and now nothing will stop him from doing so.

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