Sunday, October 11, 2009

Macbeth Act 1

We see from the beginning of the play a loyal and noble man named Macbeth. However three withches come into play and say that they will meet up when, "the battle's lost and won", or when "foul is fair and fair is foul." (I.i.10) It is never the same after Macbeth meets up with these witches because he gets told of a prophecy of his own life and whats to come. It discusses him going through violent acts which go as far as killing. How he can go through with everything is never really understood, even after he is told of what is to come. Wouldn't you try and avoid all this if you were to be told? It's sorta like if you were to be told the day you were to from that moment decide to live your life and not let anything hold you back. All of this is because you were forwarned of what lies ahead. Duncan is the king of Scottland who happens to be the first victim of Macbeths. He is a key guy who is in the way of Macbeth and how much power he has. In order to reach the top he must get rid of Duncan. Banquo Macbeths loyal friend, who is kind of like a brother, is there every step of the way. In Act I we first are introduced to the witches, and each refer to Macbeth as something different. All that which are titles he will gain however. A shocked Macbeth takes a minute to take in what had really just happened. When he tries to get more information out of the witches they just dissapear into thin air. Later on when Banquo and Macbeth are conversing with Duncan, Duncan speaks of his son being given the throne. So yet again Macbeth sees this as an obstacle of himself gaining the power, and the throne. Thinking of what he is going to do Macbeth decides to have Duncan over for dinner at Macbeths house. Then here we are introduced to a character who plays a big role on what is to come...Lady Macbeth. She is clearly the one who holds the power in the relationship. Could that be why Macbeth will stop at nothing to gain the throne? So that for once he has power. Either way when Lady Macbeth finds out about the withces prophecies Duncan is doomed, because now Macbeth will find out there is no turning back. When Macbeth is having second thoughts on everything, Lady Macbeth decides to pursuade him by saying he isn't a man unless he goes through with the plan. “When you durst do it,” she says, “then you were a man” (I.VII.49) The only problem Macbeth sees is that this would bring a series of consequences, and thats the one thing he doesnt want. I see this as being selfish. It's all about what Macbeth wants. He doesnt want to go through with the plan because he will have consequences when anyone who has a heart wouldnt want to perform this deed because it isn't right. He realizes that there is no reason to murder the king other than that of his own ambition. I feel at this point his mind is only made up by that of Lady Macbeth. She makes him go forth with the plan, and she comes up with the plan of killing Duncan. She has decided to use the guards as their cover up. How this would be is get the guards drunk, and while they have no idea whats going on go into Duncans room and kill him while he is at sleep. This would help them get off easy, by putting the blame on someone else. It is hard for me to believe the guards had no idea what was going on. Drunk and all wouldn't they have some sort of idea? The time comes and it's do or die now. He goes forth with the deed, and once done he returns to an awaiting Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is very shaken up to the point to where Lady Macbeth has to return to the room to finish the job and get rid of the murder weapon. I think this shows that Macbeth is not as strong and willing to do these types of deeds as his wife. She comes back perfectly fine, but he comes back feeling guilty. The idea of the fact maybe somewhere in there he has morals is present in these scenes. Macbeth knows what he does is wrong, and he recognizes that there will surely be consequences due to his actions. This is so realistic because when we do something wrong we feel guilty no matter how big the crime or whatever was. However if you have morals, and you know right from wrong, you learn by living the mistakes and not letting them reoccur. So i argue that Macbeth doesnt have any, because even after his first crime, he goes on to do many many more, all for him to have power. As long as Lady Macbeth is in the picture, i believe Macbeth will stop at nothing.

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